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Carpisa bag

Hello all of my lovely readers! 
I've been away for 4 day and I have lot's of pictures to show you, but first meet this new little baby!

It was a 5 minute buy... I came, I saw, I fell in love and I bought! 


  1. It's a beautiful bag :) Congrats for finding it.

  2. beautiful bag!looks like LV really!!
    carpisa always makes me happy with the designs and prices of their bags!

  3. caramellitsa you're right! I forgot about the LV bag. Carpisa is really great! Lovely bags and very affordable!

  4. il prezzo del bracciale di hermès è 480 euro...

  5. GORGEOUS!love your blog!
    im now a follower, check mine out if you like?

  6. waw res huda torba!! <3
    in jaaa čakamo naslednje fotkee =)

  7. Hollie Rowe-roberts: Thanks!

    Mancina: pridejo pridejo :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. can u pls tell us the cost for this bag, as i m interested to purchase it

  10. Hey anonymous, the bag was €39.90 I think that now with the sales you can find it even cheaper :)


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