Fashion photoshoot

So this model came home yesterday after a month away on vacation and he wanted me to take some fashion pictures that he could add to his book. He said that his next goal is Dogue :))
He was actually posing every time I took the camera into my hands and I just couldn't stop laughing.

Portrait pictures 

Aren't I sexy? 

...and funny

looking far away...

me smiling...

Sanja told me that leopard print and fuchsia can't mix... she doesn't know a thing about fashion pff..

I'm so fashionable 

So Is he the next Douge model dog or what?!


  1. Waaa kaj kar sam je prišu domov??

  2. hahah Sunny.. nee! Je bil v Avstriji z bratom in sta prišla predvčerajšnjim nazaj.

    Tamara: je tko, js se mu nisem mogla nehat smejat. Je hotu grist majco..ben jo je dobu oblečeno :PPP haha

  3. Sanja: ma kaj nisem brala v tem blogu, da se je izgubil? Sem mislila, da je po enem mesecu našel pot domov ;)

  4. Sunny: domov je prišel 4 dan po tistem, ko se je zgubu. In pol je šel z bratom v Avstrijo... in zdej sta prišla nazaj :)

    Rebecca Luc: Pančo says thanks :)))


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