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Comments on blogs...

Hi guys.. 

Everyone with a blog has a comment box under every single post... Right now you're all probably thinking... what the f... is she talking about, but let me get to the point... Above the comment boxes there is usually a message saying/asking/or whatever... to please leave a comment... and yes I know you all know about that to.. But what I really want to know is this... If you really want people to comment on your posts then WHY do you delete a comment you don't like??? WHY??? I comment only when I feel like it and I do usualy tend to express my opinion I'm sorry if it's not what you want to hear but you did write... please leave a comment... so face it! Not all of the comments you get will be a praise to you... some of us are really interested in things you publish or really want to know something and that is why we leave comments, and there are people who don't like something and will tell you that, but that doesn't mean that someone is rude.. Thank God we don't have the same taste!! With this I'm not thinking about those really rude and offensive comments allthough I will publish those too If I ever get them (I hope I don't, but hey everything can happen right?!)

Why did I write this post you wonder... well this is why... I decided to comment on a post of a girl that had a picture of pizza with french fries on it and what I said was that "this is like the second time I see french fries on a pizza and I still find it really weird, but maybe that is an Italian tradition which I'm not aware about"... I don't think my comment was offensive or anything, but nontheless my comment was deleted and I'm still wondering why? What the f* did I say that was so wrong? Anyone? yeah... I thought so...
Or another one... on two blogs I found some shoes that I'm sorry but TO ME they're ugly... So ok everyone has it's one taste bla bla bla.. I get it... What I don't get is this.. This particular pair of shoes is of a brand that I work for which means that I had those shoes in my hands I saw them closely I even tried them on so I know how they look like.. But I didn't understand one thing.. there were like 300 + comments on how gorgeous the shoes were...ok I get it we all have different tastes and all... But the only way I would believe this b***s*** is if there was at least 1 single person that actually bought those shoes from me in the store I work at but untill today that didn't happen!!! Every single client thought they were ugly. So... I decided to comment and my comment went something like this (I don't really remember what words I used)... "If you all think that these shoes are gorgeous and  want to have them then why noone wants to buy them? The comments I got for the shoes in the store were that they're ugly... noone ever said that they're gorgeous and the most important thing is that noone ever bought them! So please all of you who think that these are beautiful shoes go to the store and buy them cause only then I will believe you really mean it"... and of course once again my comment wasn't published... was I rude? I don't think so... I just wanted to sell those ugly shoes :))))) I'm sorry I don't have any picture so that I could show them to you and I'm not going to make publicity to bloggers who don't publish or answer to comments... so you'll just have to trust me on this one :))))

So what I want to know is... Why do you want people to comment on your posts if you delete them later or don't even answer? WHY?

Did anything like that happened to you to?  Or am I the only weirdo whose comments get deleted :)))))

Thank you for reading!


  1. The only comments I didn't publish so far were ones in languages I didn't understand and some spam :P I think that constructive critique is ok as long as it is not offensive

  2. A res? Eh, kar nekaj... "Über" občutljivi ljudje, pač ;) Mene na tistem blogu potem ne bi več videli.

  3. Ok ... Moje mnenje: prvi komentar se mi res ne zdi sporen in ne vem, zakaj ga dotična gospodična ni želela objaviti ... Drugi komentar pa tudi meni zveni nekoliko nesramno (mogoče spadam med "ekstra občutljive ljudi", ki jih omenja Biba). Moje življensko vodilo je namreč "live and let live", zato se mi vsakršno vtikanje oz. komentiranje okusa drugih ljudi ne zdi ok. Ajde, lahko pač rečeš, da niso tvoj stil, ampak "power to you, if you can rock them". Ne pa, da pišeš, kako "teh grdih šuhov nihče noče kupit, in naj jih gredo komentatorji kupit, če so res tako presneto lepi". A štekaš, kaj hočem povedat? :) Poleg tega menim, da če je nekdo bloger in se izpostavlja na internetu, to še ne pomeni, da imamo pravico, da jih seciramo na koščke in napišemo vse, kar nam pade na pamet. Bi to naredili v "resničnem" življenju, ko se ne bi skrivali za rač. ekrani? I don't think so. Ne vem, no ... Moje mnenje pač. Je pa res, da nisem blogerka, tako da ... Kaj pa jaz vem, a ne? ;) Vem samo, da če nimam nič lepega za komentirati, sem preprosto tiho (live and let live). Aja, sicer pa: kul blog imaš! In upam, da ta moj komentar ne bo razumljen napačno ... Samo podajam svoje videnje zadeve. Ok, zdaj pa me raztragajte, zaradi moje preobčutljivosti in pretirane empatije (priznam: I'm guilty.) :)

  4. Ne, sej štekam kaj hočeš povedat in imaš prav.. Sej kot sem napisala, nisem uporabila točno teh besed to je bil point komentarja.. če so jim res tko lepi zakaj jih potem nihče noče kupiti.. v bistvu sem bolj ciljala na komentatorje, kot na dotičnega blogerja. Ampak ja imaš prav, je pa tudi res, da se blogerji sami izpostavljamo in če bom sama vprašala kaj si mislijo o mojem outfitu oz o mojih čevljih pričakujem tudi, da mi odgovorijo iskreno.. Če jim niso všeč jim pač niso.. j* ga.. to še ne pomeni, da bom nekoga cenzurirala, ker je povedal svoje mnenje in ker mu moji čevlji niso všeč... Ne bom :)In pač te blogerke so vprašale za mnenje.. in js sm ga izrazila.. nisem pa vedla, da bom zaradi tega cenzurirana.. niti nisem pričakovala, da bom.. Kar sem hotela povedat je, da se mi ne zdi prav, da se objavljajo samo komentarji hvalnic in ne kritik. Js imam rada iskrene komentarje, ker to pomeni, da mogoče pa bi res bilo boljše, če bi naredila nekaj drugače iz takih komentarjev se lahko marsikaj tudi naučiš (žaljivih komentarjev tudi js ne odobravam, jih bom pa objavila). Drugače pa fora tistih čevljev je bila ta, da jih je objavila ena ful znana blogerka, ki jih je btw imela samo za slikanje za to znamko in jih najbrž niti ni sama izbrala in je seveda dobila ogromno neiskrenih komentarjev ljudi, ki se bojijo direktno povedati kaj si mislijo. Js pač nisem taka, če mi nekaj ni všeč ne bom rekla.. uuuuu ful lepo, ful dobro.. če mi pa ni...
    In nič bat ne bomo te raztrgale me veseli, da si povedala svoje mnenje! Hvala!

  5. Zanimiva debata...

    Tu se bom strinjala s Sanjo - ko objaviš nek post, se sam izpostaviš in pričakuješ / želiš komentarje. In nerealno bi bilo za pričakovati, da bo vsem všeč, kar objaviš.

    Če je "negativen" komentar namenjen izdelku (laku, blush-u...), ki ga predstavljam, mi to nekako ne sodi v kategorijo "žaljivo". Drugače bi čutila, če bi mi nekdo napisal, kakšne grde nohte/roke/oči imam. V tem primeru, bi pa rekla, da nekdo nima pravice sodit in žalit. Ampak tukaj je ta razlika - na kaj se nanaša komentar - na izdelek ali osebo.

  6. Hej! Spet jaz ... (btw, za anonimnostjo se skrivam samo zato, ker nimam druge možnosti komentiranja)

    @Sanja: Ok, jaz tega tvojega neobjavljenega komentarja seveda nisem videla, zato nimam pojma, kaj si zadevo dejansko napisala in kako je komentar izzvenel. Jaz sem se nanašala samo na tisto, kar si zapisala v postu in iz tega sem čisto kamot razumela, zakaj bi lahko bila kakšna občutljiva duša nad tvojim komentarjem užaljena. Kar v bistvu pripelje do naslednje težave povezane z virtualnim svetom, tj., da nikoli ne veš, kako bo to kar zapišeš nekdo razumel (ker manjka intonacija glasu, obrazna mimika ipd. in tisti, ki bere morda ne bo razumel, kdaj se šališ, kdaj si sarkastičen ...) in ravno zato je treba bit na spletu še toliko bolj previden pri komentiranju. Ali pa samo jaz občutno preveč razmišljam o čustvih drugih ljudi ... Ampak sej to najbrž ni greh, a ne? ;) In, ja, se strinjam - iskrenost je pomembna, ampak opažam, da ogromno ljudi "iskrenost" zlorablja samo za to, da so preprosto nesramni in zlobni. In se potem zgovarjajo "oh, jaz sem samo tako zelo boleče iskren". To, da te nekdo prosi za mnenje, še ne pomeni, da imaš pravico, da izjaviš vse kar ti pade na pamet. Lahko svetuješ in poveš svoje mnenje, ampak vse se da tudi na lep način. Am I right or am I right? ;) Aja, to seveda ne leti več nate, to sedaj samo še debatiramo, ker če praviš, da si na lep način povedala svoje mnenje, potem ti pač verjamem.

    @Biba: Hmmm ... Ja, do neke mere se morda strinjam, AMPAK ... A se ti ne zdi, da če npr. kritiziraš modni stil, ki ga ima nekdo, da ga s tem v bistvu žališ? Ker ljudje smo si različni, enim je všeč nekaj, drugim nekaj drugega. Ali pa, če rečeš "O p****a, kolk maš grde hlače"? Ok, res ne kritiziraš same osebe, ampak kritiziraš pa njegov okus! In o okusih se ne razpravlja. Največ kar lahko rečeš (za moje pojme) je, da niso tvoj stil. Isto tudi za lak, blush oz. whatever.

    Ok, dovolj filozofiranja, hahaha ...

  7. Ne sekiraj se glede anonimnosti :) Sej v bistvu mislimo isto samo se izražamo drugače :)) In ja you're right :). Pa nisem to napisala samo tko pač, da ti odgovorim, ampak ti resno dam prav! Osebno itak zelo malo komentiram pa še to samo, ko me res srbijo prsti in moram izliti svoja čustva na tipkovnico :) vedno pa skušam biti prijazna in pomislim najprej kako napisat stavek, da ne bi bil žaljiv in kakšen komentar bi si js želela prejeti, če bi bil kritika. Ampak itak nikoli ne bomo mogli ustreči vsem ljudem na tem svetu, tudi če si to res želimo.

  8. When this happens to me, I usually remove the blog from my blogroll and stop reading. They the blogger doesn't appreciate my opinion, then why should I waste another second caring about theirs?

  9. yes baby you can post anything yo want and you can write anyting you want on "post comment" box, some people maybe not ready to get more attention ;D


  10. Good point, good post. It is differing opinions that make the world go round. I'm more offended if someone leaves a lame, half-hearted post then if someone passionately posts their opinion--whatever it may be!
    A blogger who welcomes ALL comments!

  11. Courtney: I didn't do that... I still like those blogs, but I don't think that it's ok to ignore your readears.. after all you became a well known blogger because of them and the only right thing to do is answer and publish all of the comments.. :)

    HS: Thanks :)))

    Sada: so true!

  12. you are right !
    I find it unpolite to cancel comment .

    I've stopped to visit " the fashion fruit" from Veronica Ferraro and the Blonde salad from Chiara Ferragni ... the 2 top Italian Bloggers .... they remove alle the comments , unless you say are perfect are wonderful ...what a nice outfit !!!

    ciao ave

  13. I don't know of very many bloggers who censor their comments, but I have without apology deleted comments that were insulting to other readers. MY BLOG- MY RULES, here. That said, the saying "you can get more flies with honey than vinegar" applies- if you say are constructive in your criticism you usually can strike up an interesting debate rather than just smear your negativity along. Which is kinda how people see straight up negative comments- just unhappy bullshit.

    I've been very fortunate- I've never gotten my fair share of negative Nellies to my blog- but if I felt the comment didn't add anything of value to the discussion, I'd have NO problem deleting it.

    I'm sorry your comment got deleted. I'm not sure your experience is a common one. Perhaps you could work on rephrasing not just what you say but how you say it, and make sure what you have to say actively engages the blogger and fellow readers. People in my experience welcome a healthy discourse and discussion. -Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud

  14. The only comments that I've had to remove were spam ones, trying to sell ads on my blog.

    I feel the whole point of having a comment box is to share the opinion, welcome other opinions. Unless, it's hate, or personally insulting comments, is there really any reason to approve them or delete them rather? Blogging is allowing us to engage in conversation, & that's what I love about it.

    Sorry you had to experience that! -xxoo

  15. Hmm, jaz včasih zbrišem kak komentar, ko zgleda npr. tako: 'great blog' in potem linki in prošnje naj spremljam blog te osebe, ker je to za mene spam.
    Drugač pa se mi že ekstra dolgo ni zgodlo, da bi dobila kak negativni komentar, pa še takrat sem ga objavila.
    Ja, pa ponavadi, ko mi kaj ni všeč ne pustim komentarja, če pa ga že, pa nisem žaljiva, no vsaj po mojem mnenju ne.
    Tvoj prvi komentar se mi zdi čisto okay, drugi pa je mogoče rahlo agresiven al kak se naj izrazim, ampak bi ga gotovo objavila, če bi se pojavil na mojem blogu.
    Ja, bi pa definitivno tudi mene malo razjezilo, če bi kje izrazila svoje mnenje in ne bi bilo objavljeno zato, ker ni čista hvala.

    Mir in ljubezen!

  16. Nice points of view.. but nontheless all very similar :)

  17. This is a great post, so long as the comments aren't spam or hurtful to anyone I leave them up. I have only deleted comments which I find have been left to be spiteful either to myself or other commenters. I think its find to say you dont like some food or shoes it isn't hurting anyone is it! The cat photo really made me laugh!

  18. O katerih čevljih je govora? Zdj me prav zanima :) Dej pošlji mi link na mail magari..

  19. that's just a reflection of how society has become: as long as you praise something, everything is perfect, but when it comes to (constructive) criticism, most people can't handle even a little bit ...

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