Anna Dello Russo for H&M

Wow...there has been a lot written since yesterday's news of AdR's collaboration with HM... everybody is excited and can't wait for the 4. October... I was too, but then I looked a bit better and... well I see to much copying.. and that bullshit about taking inspiration from her own furniture... is just... oh god... You're probably going to hate me right now... I like Anna Dello Russo's style don't get me wrong, I think she's an amazing woman I just don't see all that wowness in this collection... you can find the answer to why just by looking at this picture... can you see it? excatly my point... I hate people who copy other people's ideas!

Someone allready did this picture I found searching on google for the blue clutch I knew I've allready seen before, but unfortunately I didn't find the author

Can you see it? Inspiration from her furniture my ass... Diane von Furstenberg clutch!

 A-morir sunglasses 2012 collection

My work here is done...


  1. Sanja se strinjam z napisanim.

    photo credit zgornje fotke je pa Magnus Magnusson

    1. če je to splo prav creidt na to fotko... nisem 100%

    2. Js tudi ne... zgornje slike, kjer je kolekcija AdR, ja je Magnus Magnusson, ampak celotne pa mislim, da ne, ker je sestavljeno iz več različnih slik.. bu nimam pojma :)

  2. že res, samo potem bi lahko za večino sodobne mode rekli, da je od nekje prekopirana. žal je tolikšna poplava izdelkov, da je skoraj nemogoče naredit nekaj, kar se že nekdo pred tabo ni spomnil ;)

    1. Se ne strinjam. Vse se da, samo ideje je treba imeti... ta kolekcija je pa preveč očitna kopija (ne vsa, da se ne bomo narobe razumeli :))pri torbici bi vsaj malo obliko spremenila, barvo, material, karkoli... tako pa preveč bode v oči očitnost kopije. Je pa res, da bojo vesele tiste, ki so hotele imeti DVF original in si ga prej niso mogle privoščiti ;)

  3. čudovite barve... lušna kombinacija zlate in turkizne it <3

  4. ...and DVF copied the design from Alexander McQueen who was the first one to make clutches in this shape. It's not easy to come up with something new, I guess they wanted to play safe with items that are already very popular. Not only H&M copies luxury items, but also Zara, Mango, New Yorker and all the highstreet brands copy expensive designer items and sell them at low prices, that's their main income. Most girls would like to wear LV, Chanel but unfortunately can't afford them, so they opt for Zara, MNG etc. "look-a-likes". :)

    1. Exactly! I just don't like the fact that she said she found inspiration in her furniture when it's quite obvious she didn't... :)


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