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Showing posts from September 22, 2021

Is anyone still here in 2021?

 This is a legit question. Is there really anyone out there who is still following or reading this blog? I stopped writing in 2013... why someone might ask or not since nobody probably cares, but nevertheless I will tell you a bit about it.  I stopped because it was a bit of a hard period of my life, nothing serious, I was just a bit lost and searching for myself and my inner peace...  After moving for Erasmus in Italy, I was a bit lost, but I attended classes and finished all of my exams except my University degree... well I am back to writing it now.. yes now.. after long 8 years I am back at it and my plan is to finish Uni in 2022. Some might think I am crazy, others that I was lazy for not doing it sooner, but yeah probably all of you are right so I am doing it now... why now? Because I somehow feel that that is a chapter of my life still left open and somehow hunting me :) so I am prepared to close it with full support of my husband.  Yes, my husband... In 2014 I met my soulmate,